If you are not familiar with subversion you may find it beneficial to download svnZipper for a simple checkout and build process.
You can download svnZipper for the following distributions
svnZipper for Windows
svnZipper for Linux
svnZipper for Mac
Folow these Steps
Put the svnZipper anywhere you like on your PC, I would recommend a folder you can easily access.
For Mac and Linux you will need to set the permissions of the binary to be executable. You are probably be familiar with this process if you are a Linux and Mac user but if you don't know the process I will explain it for you. Open up a terminal and change to the directory of the location of your svnZipper, then type the following command:
chmod +x macSvnZipper
chmod +x linuxSvnZipper
- Execute svnZipper
Double click the svnZipper.exe or open up command prompt in the location of the .exe and type:
With the terminal still open from Step 2, type the following command:
With the terminal still open from Step 2, type the following command:
Type the corresponding number next to the device you would like to build for and press enter. This will start the process of checking out files or updating the files that already exist if you have checked out before. This process will vary time consuming depending on how many files are needed to be download from the remote repository.
This process will complete the following steps:
1. Checkout/Update files from the remote repository for your device
2. Make a nightly .zip for your device
3. Make a md5 checksum file for .zip
All checked out files will be stored in the same directory of executable in the following paths:
HTC U11 it will be LeeDrOiD_OCE
HTC 10 it will be LeeDrOiD_PME
HTC M9 it will be LeeDrOiD_HIMA
All nightly .zip and .md5 files will be stored in the same directory of executable in the following paths:
HTC U11 it will be LeeDrOiD_OCE/Builds
HTC 10 it will be LeeDrOiD_PME/Builds
HTC M9 it will be LeeDrOiD_HIMA/Builds
If a update comes out and you would like to rebuild the ROM again, follow Step 3 and Step 4.
QUESTION: The build zip is extremely small and has missing files?
ANSWER: Delete the checked out files and execute the steps above again
QUESTION: The revision checked out by the tool is out of date and doesn't get the latest revision from the remote repository?
ANSWER: Delete the checked out files and execute the steps above again